April ,18 2022 video #1 karen Sullivan Fake Apology
April ,18 2022 video #2 karen Sullivan Fake Apology
Karen Healing Testimony
Response to the Very sick Karen and Kathy Sullivan.... you too Chuck Jonathan Kleck response
@Karen Sullivan I think these should be replied to in order and Truthfully.. You Speak of a ( Meeting) and ( inner circle people ).. The Alleged MEETING was AFTER Your Husband (Jim) had passed out Weapons to the Residents in YOUR HOUSE ( In Beach City that were invited by You with the exception of Dave the Wave),, YOUR HUSBAND and You began the ARC --( The A.R.C. Idea and Project was initiated in order to give less fortunate people a place to live and generate Income after JIM, Allegedly received his salvation ) JIM Had Instilled the Fear of the Government showing up to give forced vaccines to everybody and approximately 2 weeks later I arrived at the Beach City house which was ALL under YOUR and Jim's purview.. But To Fully Understand this situation we must revisit the way it ALL came into being.
I met you and your husband at the behest of Jack Lamm who had called me and asked me to pray for "Karen Sullivan" as he informed me that she was a follower of the videos on YouTube and she had been diagnosed with stage 4 RECTAL Cancer.. I came to Houston and met Karen Sullivan and Jim Sullivan as well as Kathy (her sister),and Chuck Edge her brother in-law. Edith Pace (Karen's mother was there as well) as the meeting was at Edith's house. They were excited that I was there because they knew I had a Verified History of Laying Hands on people with incurable afflictions and It was their hope that possibly I would be able to help Karen in her time of desperate need. They presented me with a gift of a gun, that Jim, (Karen's husband ) had made. They also gave one to Jack as well. This began our relationship. I thought it odd to give a gun to a servant of the Lord, But I was appreciative that Jim had made it as a gift
As they had Hoped for, Karen received her miracle, ( I laid hands on her and the LORD GOD whom I serve Healed her.) At the time of her healing, I told her the Lord had Communicated to me, that if she wished to receive the healing she would have to stop ALL treatment. At the Time I believe she was receiving Chemo and Radiation. I had come to Houston for the 3rd time when the Lord Allowed me to Lay hands on Karen .. She took the step of Faith and received the Miracle she had hoped for.. It was AMAZING to see her go from a Gaunt Grey Corpse looking person to the Miracle that we got to see!! Her Husband Jim was So Excited that he said he wanted to Open up their doors to People that had no where to go and start an Outreach to help less fortunate people.. At that time Jim and his son Colton were living in Beach City at a Property belonging to Edith Pace (Karen's Mother ). At that time Jim and Karen had Squandered a 3 million dollar inheritance and still owned a piece of property in Wallisville that was off the beaten path. JIM and KAREN wanted to start taking in Residents and (( DONATIONS) and were hopeful that I would be willing to give my blessing to their new endeavor. At that Time Jim decided to show me that he had a Marajuana Growing operation at the Wallisville property.. I told him that I ((( COULD NOT ))) give my blessing to the endeavor and Allow people associated with my occupation to help support what He was doing due to the Fact that He had A (( Federal Firearms License )) and was growing Marijuana.. He told me that he took it all down and was ready to commit his life to helping others because he was so grateful of what had happened for him and his family.. Once I saw the building Cleaned Out from the growing operation I publicly announced that this was an endeavor that I hoped people that followed me would help support.. I gave him $5,000.00 myself to help him get started.. One of the first Purchases he made was to Acquire a massive amount of fencing (( as he put it to secure a perimeter around the property in Wallisville )) Honestly I was shocked at his first use of the Money that I had given him, but Later came to find out that Other people were ALSO making sizable contributions to his new endeavor.
Now as far as the guests that were there at JIM and KAREN'S Behest were ( Susie and Eric Harless - both handicapped and married to each other), (Alex and Alissa and their 2 children ) ( Zack , who was invited by Jim Sullivan as well )---- (so for Clarification- at the Wallisville property in the woods where Jim was Preparing for civil unrest due to Covid , (Alex and Alissa and their 2 children and Zack and a couple other Transient people ).. Jim was concerned that that the Government would show up and force vaccines and the Property in Wallisville called the ARC was established. I my self worked on the property several times to help improve it by putting bathrooms in existing buildings and everybody fixing up the property the best we could.. Many donations were coming to JIM and Karen but they were Complaining about the increase in bills in Beach City, (Edith Paces' property) so I agreed to give them money to pay ALL the Bills so there would be No Financial burdens to the residents. (((( VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER ))) (( The Entire Project was conceived by Jim and Karen who were Financially without ANY form of Income but NOW had a Steady stream of Finances from many directions )) JIM communicated to me many times that he had a Need for Personal income and I helped him many many times because I WANTED ALL the People at the ARC and in BEACH City to Have a Continued place to live..
At the beginning of my relationship with JIM and Karen I had received Many death threats because on my videos on Youtube .. My channel had reached close to 200,000 subs, but I was Not Monetized.. I had Several encounters at my House where people showed up unannounced and caused serious distress and fear of personal harm to me and anyone that might be at my house .. I was particularly worried about drive by shootings as people claiming to be the Nazis, or the Muslim brotherhood along with many other So-called titles threatened me overtly on You-tube as well as showing up to my house to scream obscenities and make threats as well.. It is a REALITY that I have Lived Under CONSTANT threat of Death and Bodily Harm due to the Success of my YouTube Channel.. The Views (with mirrors) exceeded hundreds of millions... and again I was Never Monetized but received gifts in various way. Many of which Found their way to Karen and Jim Sullivan
NOW Lets' address Karen Sullivan's Delusional statements as well as her sister Kathy EDGE I had put together a Revival of sorts called (( A NIGHT UNDER THE STARS )) I had Given Money for budgets to get ready for the event, but the money was not accounted for(( I NEVER had asked for Any kind of Accounting because everything I gave them was a gift as well ) , But when the budgets fell far short I QUESTIONED Jim and Karen in a Polite way as to "Where did This or That Money go??" KAREN Became Immediately Hostile and Indignant . I Just let it Go and said " I will refill the Budgets, but lets start with a CLEAN slate, and Get the Property ready", as I was converting Another Building that Jim had Bought with impunity as it was ALL his endeavor..(( They were Cashing In FIXING Up the PROPERETY and Increasing the Value All the While)) People came from all parts of the country as well as people from other countries.. It was at that Time that Karen Sullivan could no longer keep up the Act of being a Christian.. She had begun to make statements that Completely contradicted the behavior of the People that I have come to Know and Love .. Karen began to Vocalize her Hostility towards Me and the people that follow my ministry. At One point I confronted her behavior and said " Karen, How could You say these things after GOD has healed you and Done Soooooo Much for you and your family??" She Retorted in a Very Hostile Voice " YOU DIDN'T HEAL ME JOHNNYE, It was the LORD not You" ! I kinda chuckled ( having given so much of my life for Her and Jim's project ) and Said " I KNOW KAREN, The LORD Sent Me" ... ((It was as if she had total disdain for me and the people under her roof!! --- I was Mystified )) She had begun to show a Hatred toward me and the people living in the house in Beach City where she and Jim lived Also.. ((REMEMBER the Tenents were their because They had Invited them Except Dave the Wave ---Cory was there for a few months taking a break from house in San Antonio. He began to tell me how dysfunctional Karen and Jim actually were. Approximately one month after the event Cory and Zack moved to San Antonio which was the first time I have had them both together as house guests. After the event, I was sitting in my house in San Antonio and I heard the Lord say to me "Confront Karen Sullivan, She is Speaking Contemptuously about You and the Ministry I gave you" ---Cory was a Witness-- I was Confused and QUESTIONED the Lord and If I was Actually hearing from Him .. In Front of Cory the Lord said "OPEN That Thesaurus By YOU and I will Prove it to You!" I Did as He said and It Said EXACTLY On the Page I Opened ((( SPEAKING CONTEMPTUOUSLY ))) I Called Karen and confronted her...She Lied 3 Times in front of CORY as a Witness.. The Fourth Time I asked Her I said " KAREN, I am Telling you, I am Standing before the LORD GOD, Yes or NO, Have you been speaking Contemptuously against me and the people at the ARC and in your House?? At that time She Giggled and said "Yes, I have started doing that" ................ I was Shocked and Hurt and Perplexed and Asked her WHY ??... She responded and said she was feeling onry or something like that..... Proof to the FACT is she did Several Apology videos Feigning her remorse.. I posted those videos but , every time I posted them. They were removed by the Platform and in some instances the channels housing them were taken Down ...They are in the Kleck files as well as several other places and can be viewed at Kleck uncensored... At That POINT Karen and JIM Evicted ALL the TENENTS of the 2 Locations that were being completely funded by myself and others out of love for those who needed a place to live ...I was contacted by Chuck Edge and had a Phone call with him in which I told him that I would help get the tenents Out of the Locations as quickly as possible as I would Assume the Responsibility to help them all EVEN though ALL I had to do with the project was to give them lots of money and Hard Work and NOW They were Being Thrown Out Because Karen was CAUGHT Being a Hateful Spiteful Malicious Person...(( The LORD GOD, Whom I Serve Instructed Me to Tell Karen That HE was REMOVING ALL the BLESSINGS HE Had BESTOWED On Karen and Her Entire Family Including Kathy and Chuck and even Edith. During one conversation CHUCK Threatened me and tried to set legal traps during the conversation...Chuck was former Law enforcement and Tried to Bully me to Never "go after Edith Pace" to pursue legal remedies for ALL the monies given to the Sullivan's to Maintain and fix the 2 properties Involved. When I tried reasoning with Chuck on giving the tenents a little more time (only a few weeks) so I could Secure Living Arrangements for ALL the People that would be Homeless, He Rebuffed me and said to get them OUT Immediately, even to LEAVE THEM on The Street....I was Appalled!! Karen and JIM USED ALL the GOOD WILL Of So Many People to Increase the Value of Their Property and Pay their Bills and Then Just Threw Everybody Out on the Street. I asked CHUCK EDGE, Point Blank " You Can't give us just a little more time to find everybody a place to live so they are not Out on the Street ? Jim and Karen have Taken so Much money from so many people and I can't Just LEAVE These people on the STREET ."........ Chucks response was " They are Not YOUR Problem Johnnye ".... I sat there In Astonishment (( JIM and Karen had Milked Sooo Many People for their own Gain and Now were Grudge fully Turning their backs On the Moms and dads and Handicapped and Poor and needy that the Money was Intended for... I said Again " CHUCK You Can NOT Expect Me to Leave ALL These People on the Street...They have Little kids and The Others are Handicapped and they have no Money" Again He REPLIED " They're Not Your Problem Johnnye"......... I said "YES They Are My Problem Chuck" ...I Relocated everybody and Have continued to Help ALL the People that left except Recently Alex and Alissa and their children were able to get on their feet..
Subsequently I have been threatened by Kathy and Chuck EDGE ( Karen's sister and Brother in-law) - Openly on a Lunatic YouTube Channel named (( Gene Revel )) (The ENTIRE Channel is a HATE Jonathan Kleck Channel Misrepresenting Facts by chopping and slicing different videos together ,A Short visit to the Channel along with Channel will speak for itself)))) Gene Revel
https://www.youtube.com/@thejonathankluck57/videos Chuck also threatened me before a witness telling me that if I was to file a lawsuit against Edith Pace He would PERSONALLY Deal with me.... Chuck is a former law enforcement officer and is alluding to using his connections in Law enforcement to Intimidate me from seeking financial resolutions from his family... I had Told Chuck that as a Christian, that I gave him my word that I was Not seeking to punish his Mother-in-law by dragging her into a Lawsuit and He GAVE ME HIS WORD That His Delusional WIFE KATHY Would Stop Her Intense Public Display of Hatred and False Accusations...Chuck Edge is NOT a Man Of His Word...Many People wanted to File a Class action Lawsuit and Also wanted Give Affidavits as to JIM Sullivan's Deceitful Misdealing's, But I stood in the way and said "No"., We Will turn the Other cheek, and we did.....But I truly Believe that Now They will see The Way the LORD GOD Does His Recompense....
Now the Very People Growing Weed with Federal Firearm License ( and Concealing it) handing out guns and TRYING to Misconstrue the TRUTH are Obviously setting up a situation to try to Hurt other people and Malign them.. Truly YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW