Complete Hieroglyph breakdown |
Fixed re-upload GOD's SEED sperm Should SOJOURN alien resident by dweller in a STRANGE Hostile LAND |
NOW IT IS VERY OBVIOUS -A RACE WITHIN a RACE --ONE FROM Above & ONE From BELOW !! Showing up NOW ??SCRIPTURAL SUPER -NOVA !!! SEE The SPIRIT That ENSLAVES YOU, And The SPIRIT That ETERNALLY SAVES YOUThe Angel with the KEY To the ABYSS OPENED The PIT- The POPE Opens the Door? The FOG+SULPHER Smell?ATTACKS & THREATS & TRUTH OVER The TARGET? When It's NOT Arguable, THREATEN Or INTIMIDATE? Piss OFF!Who Are You? "ELOHIYM, We CREATED YOU!" -- IF You Get This WRONG Then THEY Will Get YOUR SOUL !!!!!PREDATOR DRONES? You WON"T SEE IT COMING? Groomed for the PRESIDENCY? Former FBI -FAKE AlienInvasionALERT! UNARGUABLE EVIDENCE-WHAT The HELL Is ON The US CURRENCY? BOMBINGS? WARNINGS? AGENDAS? ALIENS?ALERT!! GRAND ILLUSION!! TOYS Of the BEAST SYSTEM- WHY ? WHY ALLOW (PURE SPECULATION) Radioactive ??EXPLOSIVE REALITY and TESTIMONY !! This Is WAY PAST Human Understanding, Required Divine GUIDANCE !!The TWINKLING Of An EYE? A Trumpet Sound? Worm Hole Opening? Light Traversing to Another DIMENSIONSCRIPTURES & REALITY Of the CALLING Are SETTING IN..NONE Of This Is REMOTELY POPSSIBLE, NEVERTHELESSI FOUND YOU !! INTERMISSION Before SCRIPTURE Part 2VAMPIRE Exposed !! The Word Is Alive! Stayed Tuned 24hrs...Really Trying to Get this to YouLet THIS ENCOURAGE YOU!! and NEW SCRIPTUE REVELATION THAT Will CHANGE THE WORLD & CONFIRM EVERYTHINGTAKEOVER FULL SWING Remember La Haina? Rising Sun? Pres.logos? Mahdi?Scorpion Goddess Dawn? Auragua?The Understanding of BOTH Halves of the EQUATION for PERFECTION in SPIRITUAL RENEWAL & UNDERSTANDINGYou Won't BELIEVE The REVELATION Of The Name PETER !! Also, The Room Is Done, READY or NOT ?? HmmPart 2-WHO WANTS To SEE ? NOW The ABSOLUTE TRUTH, the SCRIPTURES MANIFEST. OPEN PORTAL? LOOK UP !!Come Home and The REALITY Of the ABSOLUTE TRUTH ,,NOW !! As OBVIOUS As It SHOULD BEThe Olympics Tell the ENTIRE STORY! It Is The SAME TRUTH I Have Been Telling The WORLD For DECADES !DELETED from platforms. Solved -World Games = Female energy Down Vs. Male Energy Up. Gender TakeoverCONCLUSIVE !! MUST WATCH ENTIRE VID.. Down With The Sickness?? SHEEP ????? SEE WITH YOUR OPEN EYES!!The Record Must Contain Some Documented Scriptures and This Is The Introduction to the RecordRAPTOR Means Robber or THEIF or RAPIST !! Ya WANNA KNOW How That is Relevant !! Pay AttentionThe DRAGON (HAS) AWAKENED !! This Is So OBVIOUS That You Would Have to be In A TRANCE Not To SEE ITHOW's YOUR MEMORY ? Does THIS (ALL ) Start Making SENSE When You Re-Watch! The END IS COMING 4 SUREPut the GLASSES ON !! SEE The ABSOLUTE REALITY Of OUR IMPENDING DESTRUCTION ! SERPENT RACE EXPOSEDU THOUGHT Lady GaGa is Just Talking? A Race Within a RACE ? U Think I'm Just Talking? A LIGHT BEING?OUT of the EATER Came Meat, Out of the Strong Something SWEET. The Riddle is Solved. Samson NuclearALERT !! RUSSIAN SUBS and NUKES!! When You Hear That, JUST REMEMBER, Upcoming NUKES PRINTED On BILLS |
CELESTIAL LUMINARIES!!!! LOOKS LIKE LUKE 21 Is HERE!! The 2 Party Conflict Arriving ?? Just WatchDid the POPE Just Metaphorically OPEN The DUNGEON to The SERPENT ?? AKA The PIT ?? Praying FOR YOU!!Different Dimensions are Now meeting at the Boundary Earth. Heaven & Hell Battle thru The Host BodyAlert!! MAJOR MINISTREY MOMENT!! PART 1 RIGHT NOW Unfolding!! Part 2 Being Recorded ! MIND BLOOOOWN!DRONES STAGING NEXT 911?! Scanning For RADIATION_OR_ MANIFESTING The ATTACKS PRINTED On US CURRENCY?SHE is MANIFESTING- "They will show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.DRONES and AKHENATEN?? THIS For REALS ?? It LOOKS LIKE THIS JUST MIGHT BE The TIME Of FEMALE RIVALFaith-FAITH-FAITH and F.A.I.T.H. -- And NONSENSE Drone Explanations ! This video is Out of SequenceGather the Princes that have been TURNED -REDOUBLED- to PULL Up Tent Stakes For Departure. TRUMPETSScriptures 3 -Just MORE and MORE OBVIOUS.THE WORD EXPLAINS The ENTIRE WORLD Around US,,TOP to BOTTOMPART 2 - GOD's SEED (sperm) Should SOJOURN (alien resident by-dweller) in a STRANGE (Hostile) LANDPART 1-COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING SCRIPTURES -We Will Cover 30 -40 Scriptures over the next 4 to 6 hoursINTRODUCTION To SCRIPTURE VIDEO And Ground Work for Understanding the END Of FREEDOM and Satan's ROEDeuteronomy- Inbred Serpent Race Shall NOT enter into the Congregation of the LORD. SEE The TRUTH !SOS!! - EVERYBODY WII Be AFFECTED BY THIS!! TIME TO ACCEPT OUR FATE HAS ARRIVED! PREPARE Your HEART!OPEN BOARDERS Is WAY BIGGER Than You Could Have Perceived ! The Abyss Is Pouring IN and MANIFESTINGTHIS IS BEYOND The SCOPE Of A HUMAN BRAIN, WATCH THIS TURN INTO The WARNING For THE END Of TIME ! NiIT HAPPENED RIGHT TO OUR FACES, BUT " Praise Be to the LORD GOD, We Were WARNED" Now SHE IS HERE !!What You WILL SEE In THIS VIDEO Is BEYOND PRICELESS !! WATCH Entire Revelation REVEAL HIDDEN MYSTERYGOOD LORD!! MUST WATCH!!!! THIS MANIFESTATION SHOULD CHANGE The Entire WORLD'S VIEW Of Being HUMAN!!Part 1-WHO WANTS To SEE ? NOW The ABSOLUTE TRUTH Of the SCRIPTURES Is MANIFEST. Elohiym INVERTED YOUIt Has BEGUN! Falling AWAY and STRONG DELUSION. They WILL Believe The Lie! POINT Of No RETURN !!!!!WANT to SEE The BIBLE CODE Completely Cracked?? TO Descend the Bringer Of LIGHT- WASTED His BEING!MANIFESTATIONS are EVERYWHERE ! WATCH This !! We Are SEEING The TRANSFORMATION Right Before Our EYESI was Unconscious HALF-ASLEEP, NOW Your Stuck in a MOMENT and You WERE WARNED. Are You CONVERTED ??Yes Genesis 1 Was In the Closing Ceremony. EYES TO SEE EVERYTHING, The Closing Song? I did it my wayTwilight Zone! Data Disappears Right Off my Desktop ?? Easy SEARCHES Are Being Buried. Killing StarsRise,Rising,RISEN ?? WOW !!! Talk About In Your FACE!! The Outward MANIFESTATION Is BEYOND OBVIOUS !Crown Virus, Serpent Sheep Slaughter, Daemon of Discord, A Lost Thing in Chains, Fully Destroy, BamaANGEL Rising -Alah- ! Come Allah! KaM ala! Olympic Apollyon Rising -and Hades Followed !! Game OVER!THESE Could Not FALL Into Place As Perfectly As They Do Without Being TRUE. The Writing on the WALLYou COULDN'T Connect THESE DATA POINTS With Out DIVINE HELP ! The REAL BATTLE Is An INSIDE JOB !!UNBELIEVABLE CONFIRMATION- CHURCH of Philadelphia! NO MORE ANGELS. The SEA Is TURNING TERRIBLE NOW!!At WHAT POINT Is DELUSIONAL an ACCEPTABLE REVIEW of ACTIONS and PERCEPTIONS ? This ? Y? N?The SCRIPTURE You MUST KNOW to UNDERSTAND The BIBLE and Unrolling the SCROLL .The Word Is WIDE OPEN!Ever Heard " You Can't Outrun Motorola" ?? Then, A Palisade and a Stake, and Then Realty Setting IN!Here's a SIMPLE "As It IS " Understanding.PROCLAIMING Dragon Released ? Did U Know BERYL Makes an X?The 1st SEAL .Conquering= To Tie Together With a BOW -Male and FEMALE Energy Tied Together with IRONIt's DOWN To ALPHAVILLE ? When the SON has had its day, I heard a Voice WHISPERING "COME AWAY NOW "?The RIDDLE Of AGES Is SOLVED... Please watch THIS VideoRUSSIAN NUCLEAR TORPEDO or PRINTED On The NOTES ? Which One? Well, If History is Any HARBINGER-DONE!Is SEEING BELIEVING ? Soon No-One will be Able to TELL !! WATCH THIS NOW So You KNOW THERE WAS a ?? |